What is EMDR
Can it help me?

EMDR or Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing was originally developed to treat Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It is recommended by NICE as one of only two methods of treatment for this disorder by the NHS. It has since been found to be beneficial in the treatment of a range of other issues such as anxiety and depression.

EMDR treatment involves using eye movements or sometimes other types of bilateral stimulation such as thera-tappers, alongside more traditional talking therapy.

EMDR helps people to process the unwanted images, emotions, beliefs and somatic (physical) sensations associated with traumatic memories that have got stuck, leading to a range of mental health problems. EMDR helps them to see things from a different perspective, as well as reducing or eliminating the distressing trauma symptoms.
We offer EMDR treatment in Malton and Scarborough as part of our service. Sessions can last up to an hour and a half and cost £67.50 per session.